Will Lynch
October 20, 2023

UK Retailers Fuel £7 Billion Economy Boost Through Recommerce: Rental and Second-Hand Shopping on the Rise

UK Retailers Fuel £7 Billion Economy Boost Through Recommerce: Rental and Second-Hand Shopping on the Rise

March 29, 2023
In a recent revelation, a study by Barclaycard Payments highlighted a seismic shift in the UK's retail landscape: the Recommerce Economy—a thriving marketplace of renting, reusing, and reselling goods—is booming, with a significant 76% of retailers now embracing more sustainable consumer practices.

In a recent revelation, a study by Barclaycard Payments highlighted a seismic shift in the UK's retail landscape: the Recommerce Economy—a thriving marketplace of renting, reusing, and reselling goods—is booming, with a significant 76% of retailers now embracing more sustainable consumer practices.

This study, conducted in collaboration with Development Economics and enriched by data from the Office of National Statistics, offers a fascinating insight into the financial muscle of conscious consumerism. In the past year alone, the Recommerce Economy has injected a robust £6.99 billion into the UK, bolstering the retail sector with approximately 49,000 jobs and comprising 1.6% of the total retail market.

The trend towards more environmentally friendly and budget-conscious shopping is surging, with 40% of consumers leaning towards second-hand purchases or rentals over new buys—a habit that has grown over the past year. Moreover, a stable 57% continue to frequent the Recommerce space, signaling a permanent shift in shopping behavior.

Retailers are not just watching from the sidelines. Those who have ventured into rental offerings report a direct correlation with their revenue growth—82% saw a boost, while an impressive 89% expanded their customer base, and 87% enjoyed a profit increase. For these retailers, rental models now contribute a substantial one-third of their total revenue.

Circular shopping methods are seeing success, with nearly 30% of retailers providing a stage for consumers to resell their goods, thereby extending the lifecycle of their products. Adding to this, similar percentages of retailers are facilitating in-store recycling and repair services to amplify the lifespan of items.

These forward-thinking businesses aren't stopping there. They're also innovating by hosting swapping events and creating platforms for customers to sell items not originally purchased from the retailer.

Leading the charge in this sustainable revolution are sectors like entertainment and electronics, fashion, home décor, children's items, fitness equipment, and pet supplies. They're not just selling; they're changing the way we think about ownership and the lifecycle of products.

As online shopping becomes the norm, more than half of the retailers have stepped up their game by investing in tech that smooths out the Recommerce experience. From hassle-free checkout systems to creating online resale pages and apps for customer resales, retailers are transforming the digital space to meet the Recommerce demand.

Driving this change are two critical motivators: the escalating cost of living and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. Nearly half of the retailers cite affordability as a key reason for embracing Recommerce, while a strong desire to reduce environmental impact also plays a major role.

Linda Weston from Barclaycard Payments emphasizes the dual impact of sustainability and cost of living on retailers' strategies. Their focus on creating cost-effective, environmentally friendly shopping options is proving lucrative, as demonstrated by the growth in revenue and customer loyalty.

Steve Lucas of Development Economics highlights the economic weight of Recommerce, already responsible for supporting thousands of jobs, with retailers reporting financial benefits from rental offerings—a trend that's expected to gain even more traction.

Retail commentator Harry Wallop applauds the undeniable value Recommerce brings to the retail sector, acknowledging its £7 billion contribution and the increasing adoption by mainstream retailers.

Barclaycard Payments, processing a staggering 8.7 billion card transactions last year, stands at the forefront of this movement, offering retailers a suite of digital payment solutions to harness the potential of the Recommerce Economy.

The message is clear: the Recommerce Economy is not just a passing trend; it's a revolution that's reshaping shopping, saving wallets, and safeguarding the planet.

Sources: https://retailtimes.co.uk/retailers-embrace-recommerce-rentals-and-second-hand-shopping-market-contributes-nearly-7-billion-to-uks-economy-reports-barclaycard/