Will Lynch
May 24, 2023

Shopify Director Leverages AI to Help Retailers Expand in EMEA

Shopify Director Leverages AI to Help Retailers Expand in EMEA

March 29, 2023
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform digital landscapes, e-commerce behemoths like Shopify, Zalando, and Amazon are pushing boundaries by leveraging this cutting-edge technology to enhance user experience.

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform digital landscapes, e-commerce behemoths like Shopify, Zalando, and Amazon are pushing boundaries by leveraging this cutting-edge technology to enhance user experience.

Zalando, a significant player in the ecommerce realm, rolled out a tool last month powered by OpenAI. This groundbreaking solution allows shoppers to interact using their own fashion lexicon, thereby creating a more "intuitive and natural" shopping experience. Not far behind, Amazon is looking to inject hefty investments into its AI division, set to launch a product search tool reminiscent of OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Deann Evans, Shopify's director of EMEA expansion and partnerships, will be participating in a panel at this week's IRX in Birmingham. In a candid discussion with InternetRetailing, she shed light on the role of AI in facilitating online retail expansion.

Evans emphasized the importance of fostering a seamless experience for customers, whether they shop online or in-store. She coined the term "retail everywhere" to denote this strategy, encouraging brands to blur the lines between the digital and physical shopping experience.

"The ecommerce market has been booming ever since the pandemic, leading to an influx of brands and retailers setting up shop online. Direct-to-consumer companies that sprouted during the pandemic are now exploring brick-and-mortar outlets, establishing pop-up stores and testing the waters of high-street retail," Evans noted.

Her views resonate with Kevin Mathers, Google Retail's managing director, who stresses the necessity of forming "emotional connections" with customers. Mathers posits that a robust omnichannel strategy, underpinned by prudent use of AI and automation tools, is crucial for achieving this.

Echoing Mathers, Evans confirmed that "we are unequivocally in the AI era." She further added, "The integration of human effort and AI could result in unprecedented productivity levels."

Shopify, which hosts a diverse range of retailers including Gymshark, Decathalon, and Fashionnova, recently launched an AI-powered assistant on its app. In the same vein, the platform introduced 'Shopify Magic', an AI-fueled feature designed to generate product descriptions, aiming to expedite the vendor process and help customers locate products effortlessly.

Looking forward, Evans hinted at forthcoming updates to the customer app, showcasing even more applications of AI.

"Shopify is dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences to shoppers wherever they are," stated Evans, emphasizing the importance of bridging the gap between consumers and retailers. This becomes especially critical in light of the increasing shift toward cross-border commerce.

Citing Gymshark as an example, Evans disclosed that this sportswear retailer, which started on Shopify from a garage in Birmingham, has evolved into a global leader under the helm of owner Ben Francis. Its flagship store now graces London's Regent Street.

Highlighting the significance of the UK and the EMEA region to Shopify's future trajectory, Evans pointed to the platform's latest launch, Shopify Market. This tool is designed to overcome barriers to international trade, addressing issues of optimizing international stores, translation, and enhancing the localized customer journey.

"We're setting our sights on expanding and growing our business in the EMEA region, to continue bolstering our partners, who will be instrumental in driving retail growth," Evans concluded.

Sources: https://internetretailing.net/shopify-director-ai/