Will Lynch
November 3, 2023

Klevu and Klaviyo Join Forces to Revolutionize Personalized, Omnichannel Experiences!

Klevu and Klaviyo Join Forces to Revolutionize Personalized, Omnichannel Experiences!

March 29, 2023
In the dynamic world of ecommerce, finding the right product can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Enter the game-changing alliance of Klevu and Klaviyo, whose cutting-edge technology is making product discovery a breeze for online shoppers. The powerful AI search engine from Klevu not only makes finding products simple but has also been a boon for retailers, who've seen site-wide conversion rates soar to 8% and search conversion rates jump to 16%.

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, finding the right product can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Enter the game-changing alliance of Klevu and Klaviyo, whose cutting-edge technology is making product discovery a breeze for online shoppers. The powerful AI search engine from Klevu not only makes finding products simple but has also been a boon for retailers, who've seen site-wide conversion rates soar to 8% and search conversion rates jump to 16%.

The magic lies in the seamless marriage of Klevu's search data with Klaviyo's marketing savvy, unlocking the potential for dynamic and personalized email and SMS campaigns. This isn't just a numbers game; it's about creating a bespoke shopping experience. Through this partnership, customers of both platforms enjoy an unprecedented level of personalization.

But what does this mean in real terms? Imagine a world where your favorite retailer knows exactly what you like, showing you products that you're more likely to buy. That's the promise of Klevu and Klaviyo's integration. And it's not just talk; the results speak for themselves. For instance, The Craft Company leveraged this technology and saw a staggering 76% click-to-conversion rate for their search abandonment flow, boosting their email revenue by 6%.

Retail giants like Dr. Barbara Sturm and Cambridge Satchel Company are already on board, tailoring their digital storefronts to the tastes and preferences of their customers. With this integration, any retailer can offer the kind of personalized service once reserved for the likes of enterprise-level businesses.

The union of these two tech giants stands as a beacon of innovation, embodying the necessity of personal touch in the increasingly anonymous digital marketplace. Both Klevu's CEO Nilay Oza and Klaviyo's SVP Rich Gardner have expressed their commitment to enhancing customer engagement through these advanced, yet accessible solutions.

The integration process is simple, but the impact is profound—offering a transformative boost in engagement, conversions, and revenue. Retailers looking to provide their customers with personalized shopping experiences that are both effective and easy to implement now have a powerful tool at their disposal. To explore this personalization revolution, a visit to klevu.com/klaviyo might just be the first step towards a smarter, more intuitive ecommerce future.

Sources: https://www.prweb.com/releases/klevu-launches-advanced-integration-with-klaviyo-for-personalized-omnichannel-ecommerce-experiences-301973918.html