Will Lynch
January 9, 2024

From Ordinary to Extraordinary: The Unfussy Branding Strategy That Made This Olive Oil Company Stand Out

From Ordinary to Extraordinary: The Unfussy Branding Strategy That Made This Olive Oil Company Stand Out

March 29, 2023
Graza, a single-origin olive oil brand founded by Andrew Benin, has taken the cooking world by storm since its launch in 2022. With its distinctive neon green squeeze bottles and fun, approachable branding, Graza has gained a cult following among influencers, chefs, restaurants, and at-home cooks.

Graza, a single-origin olive oil brand founded by Andrew Benin, has taken the cooking world by storm since its launch in 2022. With its distinctive neon green squeeze bottles and fun, approachable branding, Graza has gained a cult following among influencers, chefs, restaurants, and at-home cooks.

Andrew's journey to founding Graza began with a trip to Spain where he discovered a passion for olive oil. He saw an opportunity to express his love for the product by selling single-origin olive oil back in the U.S. However, he knew that in order to stand out in a saturated market, he needed to cultivate a clear vision and unique branding for his product.

One of the first people Andrew sought advice from was Mike Anthony, a chef at Gramercy Tavern in New York City. Anthony advised Andrew to focus on making an affordable, high-quality olive oil, rather than trying to compete with expensive gourmet brands. This advice helped shape Graza's positioning in the market

Despite receiving pushback from friends, family, and investors, Andrew stayed true to his vision and let the sales and customer feedback speak for themselves. He also worked with a branding agency to create a fun and joyful branding that would appeal to home cooks.

The iconic squeeze bottles, which were inspired by a shower moment, have become a recognizable symbol of the brand. Andrew emphasizes the importance of being patient for inspiration to strike and daring to be different in a market where many brands start to look the same.

Graza's success serves as a reminder that building a business is more of an art than a science. By staying true to his passion and taking risks with branding, Andrew has created a unique and beloved product that has captured the hearts of many. To learn more about Andrew's journey and his tips for branding an everyday product, listen to the full interview on Shopify Masters.

Sources: https://www.shopify.com/blog/graza-branding